Phases [Notes]

phases - exhibition notes

Kai Lab are a London-based arts and design practice that creates electronic, mechanical and sonic artworks. Their projects are driven by the desire to understand the core components of intriguing, complex and beautiful natural phenomena. Read more about the studio here and follow them on Instagram at @kai.lab_


Steel, carbon fibre, plaster, stepper motors, PCBs

Ten large dials move back and forth with varying amplitude. The oscillating patterns of each dial occur sequentially, always slightly offset in time. This piece draws on the phenomenon that emerges across a windblown field of grass; each blade feels the force of the wind at a unique moment, creating a visible wave across the field. Here, each of the ten dials act as a blade of grass, exhibiting the same repeating paths of motion to create ordered and gentle natural patterns across the space.


The ten moving dials are connected by a custom electronic system that models spring mechanics, enabling each unit to "push" its neighbour without making physical contact. Each unit is embedded with a custom PCB and stepper motor.


Solenoid Mesh

Solenoids, copper, elastic cord

An elastic, triangulated mesh holds 16 solenoids. Each solenoid contributes a small vibration force into the system, creating a local pulse. When pulses are misaligned, the system becomes disordered. Over time, the piece evolves and the phases of the solenoids align to amplify the fundamental resonant mode of the system.


The solenoids are sequenced with MIDI playback from a composition created in Ableton Live. The sequence is generated to allow exploration of the different resonant modes of the mesh.


POlyrhythm Drum

Vibration motors, card

Two suspended vibration motors oscillate against the surface of a central body. When the motors fall, they come into contact with the rigid face of the object, and the energy they exert pushes them back into motion. Slight discrepancies between the mechanisms of the motors cause them to oscillate at varying heights, such that they drift in and out of phase.


The bounce height of the two motors is dependent on the alignment of their cycles with the moment of surface contact. If the motors land when they are travelling downwards, there will be a greater impact and resultant repulsion force.


sinusoidal Noise

Acrylic, PCBs, LEDs

Sinusoidal Noise comprises 98 analog light pixels, each of which oscillates, fading on and off at a unique sine frequency. Over time, the slow, detuned oscillations of each small pixel meet and join together to create a larger sense of brightness and motion. Light shifts between pixels, moving and evolving like transient clouds taking shape across the sky. At each instant, the face of the work reflects the drift of the population as a unique snapshot of disordered sine waves.


Each pixel is independent and is powered by a small analog oscillator circuit. The use of analog electronics to control the intensity of the light allows each to follow a perfectly continuous sine wave. The modules are built identically using the same circuits and components, however phase shifts progressively appear in the piece due to electrical manufacturing imperfections, differing tolerances and thermal discontinuities.


orthogonal phase

LED, stepper motors, brass rod

Two orthogonal motors dictate the motion of a light point through space.


The LED point is suspended on a brass rod that is driven by two perpendicular stepper motors simultaneously. The spatial arrangement of the motors results in a disordered path of movement.



Brass, PCBs, LEDs, paper

This piece is made of 120 modules that each independently sense and respond to light. Each Clicker has a unique experience of the environment, which it expresses through its own sonic pattern. In brighter lights, the Clickers respond more rapidly, while in the dark, sounds are sparse. As the modules relate their understanding of their surroundings, their clicks overlap in phase and regularity. A polyrhythmic chorus evolves as the piece unfolds, yet through the chaos, there remains the possibility that the Clickers will align as a unison voice.


Each module is fitted with a light sensor, LED and an analog oscillator circuit. When light is shone on the sensor, the paper membrane on each unit vibrates to create a soft click and at the same time, the LED flashes on and off. The incoming light intensity dictates the rate of vibration such that the emergent audio and light patterns from the group are a direct response to the environment.